FIFA 2009 - Games Trainer +6

FIFA 2009 - Games Trainer +6

FIFA 2009 - Games Trainer +6

In-game hotkeys:
Num1: sub left score
Num2: add left score
Num4: sub right score
Num5: add right score

F1 - Tog. Speed up time (ingame)
F2 - Tog. Infinite money
F3 - Tog. 100 Job Security
F4 - Tog. 100 Fan Loyalty
F5 - Tog. Infinite profile points

F1: This will speed up the time in game. If you don't feel like playing a match, increase your own score, and enable this option to finish the game faster.

F2: This will give you infinite money in manager mode. To make use of it you must first enable the option, then change screens, so that the score gets updated :).

F3: This will grand you 100 Job Security points. To make use of it, change screens.

F4: This will grand you 100 Fan Loyalty points. To make use of it, change screens.

F5: This will give you infinite profile points. But to see the effect, you must close your profile screen, and open it again through widget manager.

Download FIFA 2009 - Games Trainer +6